I'm Colin McSwiggen, a mathematician on the faculty of the Institute of Mathematics at Academia Sinica, the national academy of Taiwan. My research investigates how randomness and symmetry interact to produce numerous phenomena in mathematics and in the world.
Specifically, I use tools from both algebra and analysis to
study invariant probability measures and related special functions, often with a focus on high-dimensional asymptotic phenomena. Since these are ubiquitous objects, in practice I work on problems connected to several areas,
including random matrix theory, combinatorial representation theory,
quantum information, and harmonic analysis. I also collaborate with
physicists and computer scientists on applications in their respective
Pure math and mathematical physics:
- S. Johnston, C. McSwiggen (2024). "On the limiting Horn inequalities." Submitted. arXiv:2410.08907
- J. Huang, C. McSwiggen (2024). "Asymptotics of generalized
Bessel functions and weight multiplicities via large deviations of
radial Dunkl processes." Probab. Theory Relat. Fields. arXiv:2305.04131
- S. Matsumoto, C. McSwiggen (2023). "Moments of random quantum marginals via Weingarten calculus." Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN.: rnad105. arXiv:2210.11349
- B. Collins, C. McSwiggen (2023). "Projections of orbital measures and quantum marginal problems." Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376: 5601-5640. arXiv:2112.13908
- C. McSwiggen, J. Novak (2021). “Majorization and spherical functions.” Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN.: rnaa390. arXiv:2006.08541
- C. McSwiggen (2021). “Box splines, tensor product multiplicities and the volume function.” Algebr. Comb. 4: 435-464. arXiv:1909.12278
- C. McSwiggen (2021). “The Harish-Chandra integral: An introduction with examples.” Enseign. Math. 67: 229-299. arXiv:1806.11155
- R. Coquereaux, C. McSwiggen, J.-B. Zuber (2020). “On Horn’s problem and its volume function.” Comm. Math. Phys. 376: 2409-2439. arXiv:1904.00752
- R. Coquereaux, C. McSwiggen, J.-B. Zuber (2019). “Revisiting Horn’s problem.” J. Stat. Mech.: Theory Exp. 2019: 094018. arXiv:1905.09662
- C. McSwiggen (2019). “A new proof of Harish-Chandra’s integral formula.” Comm. Math. Phys. 365: 239–253. arXiv:1712.03995
Algorithms, cryptography, data science:
- M. Chidambaram, H. Lee, C. McSwiggen, S. Rezchikov (2024). "How flawed is ECE? An analysis via logit smoothing." ICML 2024: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 235:8417-8435. arXiv:2402.10046
- J. Leake, C. McSwiggen, N. Vishnoi (2022). “Sampling
matrices from Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber densities with applications
to quantum inference and differential privacy.” Submitted. arXiv:2011.05417
(Expanded journal version of STOC paper.)
- J. Leake, C. McSwiggen, N. Vishnoi (2021). “Sampling
matrices from Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber densities with applications
to quantum inference and differential privacy.” STOC 2021: Proceedings of the 53rd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing: 1384-1397.
- J. Raber, I. Miers, C. McSwiggen, Y. Zhu, D. Lai, M. Green,
S. He, A.S. Raja (2021). “A cryptographic framework for lotteries in
medical triage: secure and transparent randomized allocation of scarce
healthcare resources.” AMIA 2021 Virtual Clinical Informatics
- U. França, H. Sayama, C. McSwiggen, R. Daneshvar, Y. Bar-Yam (2015). “Visualizing the 'heartbeat' of a city with tweets.” Complexity 21: 280-287. arXiv:1411.0722
Talks and presentations
- "Calibration and continuity," Interdisciplinary Data Science: Bridging Theory and Applications, NYU Abu Dhabi, 17-18 December 2024.
- Colloquium lecture, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, 10 December 2024.
- "Limiting Horn inequalities in infinite dimensions," Operator Algebras Seminar, University of Tokyo, 6 November 2024.
- "The many incarnations of cyclic spherical integrals," Algebraic Aspects of Random Matrices, CIRM, Marseille, 7-11 October 2024.
- Probability Seminar, UW Madison, 25 April 2024.
- Randomness and Lie-Theoretic Structures, University of Virginia, 4-5 March 2024.
- Probability Seminar, Columbia University, 2 February 2024.
- Probability Seminar, University of Cincinnati, 21 November 2023.
- Analysis Seminar, Yale University, 16 November 2023.
- Bielefeld-Melbourne Random Matrix Theory Seminar, 4 October 2023.
- "Dunkl theory at Large N," Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA2023), Invited Session on Integrable Probability, University of Lisbon, 27 July 2023.
- "Dunkl theory at Large N," Random Matrices and Applications, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, 6 June 2023.
- Colloquium lecture, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2 February 2023.
- "Sampling from unitary orbits, and an application to
differential privacy," Applied Math Seminar, Brandeis University, 12
December 2022.
- Analysis and Probability Research Group Seminar, Indian Institute of Science, 30 March 2022.
- "Sampling matrices from Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber distributions," Simons Institute Workshop on Optimization Under Symmetry, UC Berkeley, 30 November 2021. (video)
- "Random matrix ensembles constructed from projections of orbital measures," Probability and the City Seminar, 22 October 2021. (video)
- "Cousins and ancestors of the arithmetic-geometric inequality," CUNY Representation Theory Seminar, 15 October 2021. (video)
- Tokyo-Kyoto Online Operator Algebras Seminar, 7 January 2021.
- "Horn's problem, polytope volumes and tensor product decompositions," Operator Algebras Seminar, University of Tokyo, 29 January 2020.
- Kyoto Operator Algebra Seminar, Kyoto University, 24 January 2020.
- Combinatorics Seminar, Brown University, 20 November 2019.
- "From multiplicities to random matrices and back again," AMS Fall Western Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Random Matrices and Related Structures, UC Riverside, 9-10 November 2019.
- "Multiplicities from volumes," Integrability, Combinatorics and Representations, Giens, France, 2-6 September 2019.
- "Large-N asymptotics of Harish-Chandra integrals," Randomness and Symmetry, University College Dublin, 18-22 June 2018.
- Discrete Mathematics (MATH-UA 120), New York Univeristy, Fall 2022 - Instructor of record
- Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations (APMA 1930U), Brown University, Fall 2019 - Recitation leader
- Operations Research: Probabilistic Methods (APMA 1200), Brown University, Spring 2017 - Recitation leader
- Monte-Carlo Simulation with Applications to Finance (APMA 1720), Brown University, Fall 2016 - Recitation leader
Other stuff
If you're looking for my non-mathematical work, there's a partial archive at my unmaintained personal website.